The MEEO-SISTEMA group has been operating in the Space Economy since 2004 with a focus on technological developments relating to access to geospatial data (satellite, models, ground stations) as well as the development of web solutions for the analysis and display of geospatial products and information. In addition to the core business for developing and operating geospatial data catalogues, the group is working with public and private organizations to setup thematic services for environmental monitoring in new economic areas.
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Data technology is continuously evolving, and the exponential increase of available data poses unprecedented issues that need to be solved. MEEO opted to rule this evolution process instead of being a passive actor by implementing new innovative solutions for data exploitation and by supporting international
initiatives involved in the definition of the standards to make the data discoverable and interoperable.
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Geospatial environmental data have become crucial in all the socio economic domains of our life but without tools supporting brokering, interpretation and transformation processes to turn data into useful information, the risk to be overwhelmed by such amount of complex data is more than concrete. MEEO implements data services to translate Earth Observation data into valuable information.
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People are the key point of any technological evolution process, for this reason MEEO devotes great attention to the improvement of skills and capabilities of its team and to promote the digital education of the citizens. Internally continuous learning and training is strongly encouraged. Externally, a strong effort is put in promoting, disseminating and training people on the value and on the usage of geospatial environmental data.