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Corso sull’AI per il Marketing e la Comunicazione
Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa regionale “Percorsi di formazione continua per sostenere lo sviluppo della filiera aerospace downstream – analisi dati geospaziali”, di cui MEEO è soggetto promotore, è stato attivato...
Kick-off meeting of Horizon Europe project “TERRA” (InTelligEnt platfoRm for IntegRating climAte services)
On January 15, we attended the kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project “TERRA” (InTelligEnt platfoRm for IntegRating climAte services), aiming to enhance existing hydrological monitoring and modeling techniques. The project is...
From Vision to Reality: GDA APP First Release Unveiled at ESRIN
On October 23-24, the first release of the Analytics & Processing Platform was presented to representatives of the Global Development Assistance (GDA) programme at ESRIN’s iconic Science Hub during the project’s Acceptance Review...
Adam’s Metsul Tie-Up
We are so proud to see an image created by our platform covering entirely the front page of the Correio do Povo, one of the main Brazilian newspapers. Thanks to the excellent relationships that Adam has for years with Metsul, the main...
Exploring the Digital Twin of the Mediterranea basin
A digital twin of the Mediterranean basin has been developed to improve knowledge of the water cycle with the use of satellite images. The model allows for the simulation of different situations and scenarios useful for understanding...
MEEO – The digital Renaissance – The growth of the Downstream Services of the Space Economy in the core of the Emilia Romagna Data Valley
The project has been funded by the European fund for Emilia Romagna Region...
ADAM helping to realize the vision of FAIR research in EOSC
The final review of the Research Lifecycle Management technologies for Earth Science Communities and Copernicus users in EOSC (RELIANCE) took place on Wednesday 27 September 2023. RELIANCE has been a flagship project for the European...
MEEO featuring Serco consortium for the development of Destination Earth Core Service Platform
MEEO is proud to be part of the Consortium in charge of implementing the DestinE Core Service Platform (DESP) of the European Space Agency. The European initiative Destination Earth aims to create a “digital twin” of the...
MEEO at Destination Earth
È un grande onore condividere la notizia che vede la nostra azienda protagonista del programma dell’Unione Europea Destination Earth: MEEO è partner del consorzio guidato da EXPRIVIA che si è aggiudicato la gara indetta da ECMWF...
The first MEEO-SISTEMA General Assembly
The first MEEO-SISTEMA General Assembly is over! All the staffs coming from Italy, Austria, Spain and France met on March 14-16, 2023 in the picturesque snowy setting of Vipiteno (Italy). During the assembly, projects and initiatives,...
Earth Observation and Media: unbreakable bond!
More and more often we see satellite images on media around the world. This is because they offer a clear and honest vision of the Earth to understand and observe events such as climate change, drought, floods, temperatures, volcanic...
MEEO contributes to Destination Earth
Starting from the end of June 2022 MEEO is a proud supporting partner of the Horizon Europe EO4EU project consortium thus contributing to capitalize on available data sources and data exploitation initiatives, such as DestinE. Click...
MEEO alla Milano Digital Week 2021
La scienza globale a portata della ricerca scientifica. È uno degli ambiziosi obiettivi del progetto NEANIAS finanziato dalla Commissione Europea, di cui MEEO orgogliosamente è parte del Consorzio. Ci siamo abituati ad avere tutto...
MEEO talks about satellite data and business opportunities!
On Friday Jan. 29 2021 @3pm CET MEEO will participate to the webinar “Data from satellites: a new business opportunity” with Anilkumar Dave, Head of the unit “Innovation and Transfer of Technologies” of the...
Busy week at EGU2018
It has been a busy week at EGU 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Our booth has been visited from Monday to Friday by many very interested scientists, decision makers, private users, teachers and students. Our real datacubes have made the... success recognised by CORDIS, the platform created by MEEO to offer interoperable environmental data discovery, access, sub-setting, visualisation, processing and download services, finalist of the Big Data Challenge 2017, has been selected to...
Christmas Gift … so many deliveries!!
Thanks to all of you! You have been really a lot playing with our little “Christmas Gift”: you have searched places spread all over the world. We travelled together from the province of Ferrara, Italy (where we are from) to Europe, to...
Christmas Gift – Share your Memory
NEW YORK. Do you remember winter 1983? No? Well, you should, .since that year the Christmas day was the coldest of the last 40 years: -12.8 °C (9°F). The hottest Chrismas? 2015 (15.6°C / 60.1 °F). Our perception, memories, do not...
MEEO and Climate-KIC: Copernicus training in Bologna
Sono organizzati da MEEO e da Climate-KIC, comunità europea dell’innovazione nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, in collaborazione con Studiomapp, membro della Copernicus Academy e con Aster i due corsi che si propongono di...
Ferrara is getting hotter
Ferrara (Italy) is really hot these days … So I was wondering how the temperature is evolving during summers. Using our platform is easy to analyse MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temperature data...
EarthServer Project Meeting 3
MEEO hosts the third EarthServer-2 project meeting (18-20 May 2016, Ferrara). Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, EarthServer-2 aims to offer improved access to Big Earth Data through established web service standards of the...
EUDAT First Working Groups Workshop
MEEO joins the EUDAT First Working Groups Workshop (12-13 November 2015, Barcelona) to share its experience on spatial-temporal datacubes in Earth Observation. Multi-dimensional arrays play a core role in many, if not most science and...
MEEO @ Festival della Meterologia
MEEO will participate, as exhibitor, to the Festival of the Meteorology that will take place in Rovereto – Italy, on October 16th and 17th. This festival represents an important opportunity to foster synergies among the different...
MEEO @ Space week 2015
MEEO registered for the Space Week 2015 that will be hosted by the Italian Space Agency in Rome, October 21st – 23rd , 2015. MEEO will participate to the brokerage event of the 22nd October, to meet potential cooperation partners. The...
EARTHSERVER: Big Earth Data at your fingertips becomes a reality Pushing the boundaries of Big Earth Data processing, the EARTHSERVER project allows researchers access and analyse multi-dimensional data from a wide range of sources....
EOCHA – Earth Observation for Climate-related Health risk in Africa
MEEO has been awarded as the EO information service to support the monitoring of Climate-related Health risk in Africa within the joint ESA and World bank initiative EOWORLD2....
MEEO at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014
The MEA platform and the Climate Data Service will be presented during five different events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 in Vienna (AUSTRIA). Date Room Type of presentation Session Presentation Title Mon. 28...
SMOS data daily composites available via the MEA platform
SMOS daily measurements are now available in near real time through the ESA-hosted Multi-sensor Evolution Analysis (MEA) system. Besides a wide range of environmental parameters, now MEA provides access to daily composites of SMOS...
Data Mix between US NASA and European ESA
MEEO manages the ESA servers hosting the elevation model data used for the “First-Ever Direct Data Mix between US NASA and European ESA” initiative. Secure simultaneous access to NASA and ESA archives was demonstrated...
MEDBrowser, an advanced service to access and display medical images.
MEDBrowser, the application platform based on web technologies for advanced consultation and 3D images to support the medical diagnosis operations, was presented at the event MATCHING 2.0 – The value of a meeting (25-27 November...
MEEO and ENEA for the Air Quality
In September 2012, a Research collaboration agreement was signed by MEEO and ENEA with the aim to develop prototypes based on the data provided by the respective professional fields concerning the air quality monitoring....
MEEO is in the High Technology Network of Emilia Romagna Region
MEEO S.r.l holds the accreditation released by the Emilia-Romagna Region, with a deliberation of September 2012 , as qualified organization according to the High Technology Network standards in the framework of industrial research and...